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About Me

Hi! My name is Pratik, I started goofing around with programming when I was 14 years old. Since then I have been working on various projects and learning new technologies.

I am Co-Founder and CEO of DevForces under Quasarect Technologies LLP. I was the President of Club Velocity at my Institute and one of the few Postman Student Leaders across the globe.

Here's my most recent resume, reflecting my latest experiences and skills.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • React/Next
  • Java
  • R
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • C
  • C++
  • Docker
  • GitHub Actions
  • DevOps


GSoC 2024 Contributor @ GSoC - PEcAn Project

May - September 2024

  • Integrating JSON data schema (management-event-schema) into FieldActivity R Shiny application, enabling it to read variable information from the schema and store management activity data in a compliant and flexible manner.
  • Addressing the challenge of storing multiple incidents for specific management cases, enhancing the data structure to support complex scenarios.

Some Things I’ve Built

Other Noteworthy Projects

view the archive
  • IIIT Dharwad Website

    Led the team to build the official website for IIIT Dharwad. The website is built using NextJS and is deployed on cPanel. The website is also integrated with the CI/CD pipeline for automatic deployment.

    • NextJS
    • CI/CD
  • Folder

    Browser as an API

    Browser as an API is a project that uses Playwright to control the browser and expose it as an API. I have focused more on reducing the latency of the API call by having semaphoric logic to control the pages and windows of the browser (which auto scales at use).

    • Typescript
    • Playwright
    • Express
  • Folder

    KMB for Steiner Trees

    Steiner Tree Problem (STP) - KMB algorithm implementation in C++ and Python. Used OpenMP for parallel calculation.

    • C++
    • Python
    • OpenMP
  • Velocity Club

    Official Velocity Club Website. Mentored a team of 4 to build the beautiful website using ReactJS and tailwindcss.

    • ReactJS
  • Postman Go w/ Flow Hackathon

    WON the Postman Go w/ the Flow hackathon for building a flow that generates a pie chart of the characteristics of your top tracks from Spotify and tweets it on your behalf.

    • Postman Flows
    • Spotify API
    • Twitter API
  • Tweemarks

    A powerful Twitter bookmarking tool powered with a Telegram Bot! Currently taken down due to Twitter API pricing policy.

    • TwitterAPI
    • Firebase Auth

What’s Next?

Get In Touch

I’m actively looking for opportunities, my inbox is always open.